Which video would you like to see?

We have four primary catagories to chose from

Ground Skills will contain working on-line and/or at Liberty

Riding Skills contains our work while riding our horses as well as project horses

Special Things covers colt starting sessions, Equine Recreational Sports like
Cowboy Dressage, Ranch Versatility, Garocha, saddle fitting, hackamore/bridle adjustments, etc.

Various Discussions are just that. Visits with Dave or Jody or guests here at the ranch.

Video links are on the verbiage below the pictures, not on the pictures.

ground work riding
Ground Skills

Riding Skills
Special Things
Various Discussions

Table of


Jody ponying Gallardo over to her tack
Dave with Willow @ Parelli Summit
About the Ranch and Facility
Dave Californio Style Horsemmanship
Jody playing with Bravo pt-1
Indirect to Direct Rein
Gathering Horses in the Morning
Jody & Dave Hind Qtr Control
Jody playing with Bravo pt-2 Playground at the 5 spot
Ponying Annie over to Dave's tack room
Jody & Dave Expectations
Jody playing with Bravo pt-3  Circles & Straight Lines pt-1
Annie's 1st time in the saddle
Dave Set it up & Wait pt-1
Mayan Mosche saddling Bravo 1st time
Circles & Straight Lines pt-2 Annie at Dave's tack room saddling
Dave Set it up & Wait pt-2
Jody helping Winsome with the trailer
Ride along with Dave over some obstacles
First Person ever on Annie
The following are Dave at a clinic in
Lone Jack MO
Dave backing Bravo into small space
 Playground Starburst & Bridge
Dave's 1st Ride on Annie
Foundations while Learning
Jody helping Bravo with the Teeter Totter
Value of Backing up hills
Dave's 2nd Ride on Annie
Using Foundations with Advancing
Jody with Gallardo Liberty pt-1
 Value of Counter Bends
Dave's 5th Ride on Annie pt-1
Anthropomorphism and Performance
Jody with Gallardo Liberty pt-2 Backing Circles helps other Manuevers
Dave's 5th Ride on Annie pt-2
Filling in for the Horse & Purposes
Jody with Gallardo Liberty pt-3 Dave competing in Cow Work
Dave's 5th Ride on Annie pt-3
Allowing the Horse to do his best
Jody playing with Winsome at Liberty from Artemus
Dragging objects for Confidence
Some Friends Riding on the Ranch
Usages of Snaffle bit vs Bridle in Competitions

Re-establish Balance with Outside Corners Game

Training vs Communication -
Relief vs Release

The Amazing Lead Change Logs

Establishing and Maintaining Respect

Establish a good Sideways

Working with a Strong Minded Horse

Inside Corners for Weight Distribution

Leadership and Boundaries

Gather some cattle to check

Etiquette and Control during a clinic

Sort some cattle checking for problems

Improve our Horsemanship using Cattle

The Amazing Honey Comb